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Music Videos Featuring Color Cube Puzzles

Date: 4-Sep-2006/0:45+3:00

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I was watching a George Michael music video involving lots of escalators, and my eye was caught by the appearance of a Rubik's Cube. First there was just one, and then they were everywhere. The video was labeled as "The controversial alternate version of George Michael's song 'Few'."
I've been shown Rubik's Cubes in dreams when I asked about inventions on two occasions. Though not prominent in music videos, they do appear...such as in this Spice Girls video:
...or this Ashlee Simpson video, which has strong themes of psychosis and isolation, and I empathize with it pretty much:
...and someone named Tracy Rouse on experts.about.com also noticed the downright strangeness, saying "there is obviously some kind of hidden message in it."
I tried to watch it closely, but once I realized I was dreaming I started investigating the software that was playing the video. It was called "Hearsay".
Although the search functionality bore a striking resemblance to YouTube, the program wasn't running in a browser. Instead it resembled Real Networks "Rhapsody" player:
...although the graphics were predominantly blue.
I spent some time looking over other songs, and saw outlandish band names that were something like "Blue Einstein" and "Northwest Airways". It also looked like there were some Howard Jones video releases that I'd not heard of.
Firing up a web browser, I tried to type "news.google.com". Somehow what came up was "newswirefeed.google.com". Though I was having a harder time with the intellectual task of reading news articles than I had while watching music videos, I did manage to observe that the year was 2004.
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The accounts written here are as true as I can manage. While the words are my own, they are not independent creative works of fiction —in any intentional way. Thus I do not consider the material to be protected by anything, other than that you'd have to be crazy to want to try and use it for genuine purposes (much less disingenuous ones!) But who's to say?