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Full of Beans Like An Eagle Basket

Date: 13-Feb-2018/9:56+3:00

Tags: ,

Characters: witch

I was flipping through some sort of list of stations, like TV stations but on a computer. The list was very small and in the lower left corner of what I was looking at.
Somehow I opened up a horror movie, where a witchy looking woman had cut someone open.
witch: (cackling) "Ah yes...full of beans, like an eagle basket!"
It was enough of a non-sequitur to write down, despite remembering nothing much else.
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copy write %C:/0304-1020 {Met^(00C6)ducation}

The accounts written here are as true as I can manage. While the words are my own, they are not independent creative works of fiction —in any intentional way. Thus I do not consider the material to be protected by anything, other than that you'd have to be crazy to want to try and use it for genuine purposes (much less disingenuous ones!) But who's to say?