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She's an Amoeba

Date: 29-Mar-2007/11:29+3:00

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Characters: me, her, friend

Somehow I was able to read someone's computer terminal, including all of their instant message chatting. I was also involved in the chat, but I started typing out what I saw on the screen word for word, as if I wanted to let them know they were being monitored. They seemed to log off.
Next I was reading an account of a difficult math and logic problem involving drainage coming off of a road. This road had certain properties on its straight segments, and other properties on its curved segments. My impression was that this was a very difficult problem, and I was arguing with a girl about whether it was an easy problem or a hard one.
me: "Look, if you're so smart...then solve this drainage problem. If you can do it in 24 hours, I'll sleep with you. Most assuredly you won't find the answer to this on Google!"
her: "I'm not surprised such a challenge would be issued by someone who celebrates all his holidays based on mathematical constants!"
Note The implication I took away from this would be that I was the sort of person who declared March 14th officially "pi day", for 3.14. I have never done that, but I know people who do.
me: "Aaaargh. I don't celebrate holidays based on their mathematical constants. I am dreaming. Do you even know who I AM?"
I typed out my full name a few times. She wrote back that her name was Becky (or "Beki") Levinson. The scene shifted to me and a friend of mine looking at the web page of an MIT student named Becky Levinson. I got the impression she was some kind of materials scientist, studying things like graphite compounds.
We were looking at a few copies of the page, one of which was missing the second run of digits in her contact information. We were trying read off the number in a way that we could double check it, since everything was fuzzy due to dreaming.
me: "This is a lot of strain. I'm going to have to give up."
friend: "All right, then I'm going with your theory that she's an amoeba."
me: (confused) "What?"
friend: "I'm writing our message really REALLY small."
On the topic of very small text, I've noticed lately some spam messages which in their HTML have really tiny white writing. Real world example from Craigslist:
<span style="font-size: 1px; float: right; color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">byuruedrnozovzukufhseambmixqgozqayavxkqtecqmeznlyjatrllzhvsvpnsopoxuljgitfbdycknisrhpbbyuruedrnozovzukufhseambmixqgozqayavxkqtecqmeznlyjatrllzhvsvpnsopoxuljgitfbdycknisrhpbbyuruedrnozovzukufhseambmixqgozqayavxkqtecqmeznlyjatrllzhvsvpnsopoxuljgitfbdycknisrhpbbyuruedrnozovzukufhseambmixqgozqayavxkqtecqmeznlyjatrllzhvsvpnsopoxuljgitfbdycknisrhpbbyuruedrnozovzukufhseambmixqgozqayavxkqtecqmeznlyjatrllzhvsvpnsopoxuljgitfbdycknisrhpbbyuruedrnozovzukufhseambmixqgozqayavxkqtecqmeznlyjatrllzhvsvpnsopoxuljgitfbdycknisrhpbbyuruedrnozovzukufhseambmixqgozqayavxkqtecqmeznlyjatrllzhvsvpnsopoxuljgitfbdycknisrhpbbyuruedrnozovzukufhseambmixqgozqayavxkqtecqmeznlyjatrllzhvsvpnsopoxuljgi</span>
...which I find interesting.
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copy write %C:/0304-1020 {Met^(00C6)ducation}

The accounts written here are as true as I can manage. While the words are my own, they are not independent creative works of fiction —in any intentional way. Thus I do not consider the material to be protected by anything, other than that you'd have to be crazy to want to try and use it for genuine purposes (much less disingenuous ones!) But who's to say?