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Cartoons, Porn, and Envelopes

Date: 31-Dec-2004/7:21+3:00

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Characters: voice one, voice two, me, woman

I was watching several nonexistent Homestar Runner cartoons, and other rather peculiar Flash animations. The URLs were things like "http://homestarrunner.com/painting/a".
Note I have in the past been semi-convinced that Homestar Runner is produced using software that is not available to the average consumer, and that their generosity in giving it away for free may be a by-product of some kind of "alien" scheme.
As I looked around the room, I noticed there were a lot of pornographic videos laying around. Some of it was "toon porn" and some was just "ordinary porn". I overheard some people talking, but I couldn't see them.
voice one: "It's like, yeah...if I knew I were going to die in just a few minutes, I'd want to spend the last moments of life doing it...just like in this video."
voice two: "Be realistic. Wouldn't you have something more important to take care of?"
voice one: "No man, I'd grab whoever I could find and get naked as quickly as possible."
I walked around a kitchen, looking for a piece of mail. My idea was to find out a name and an address. When I found one, at first it looked like "George" and it flickered a bit as I looked at it repeatedly, sometimes saying "Georgio". Last name looked like "Tivomoretto".
A woman in the kitchen was standing there, looking at me silently.
me: "Hey, can you tell me what this name says?"
She didn't answer, so I hit her in the nose with the envelope to get her attention.
woman: (annoyed) "What does it matter what the name means?"
me: "I'm not asking what the name means, I asked what the letters are."
She grabbed my arm in a painful way and I awoke.
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The accounts written here are as true as I can manage. While the words are my own, they are not independent creative works of fiction —in any intentional way. Thus I do not consider the material to be protected by anything, other than that you'd have to be crazy to want to try and use it for genuine purposes (much less disingenuous ones!) But who's to say?