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Ghost Comments

Date: 17-Sep-2007/12:49+3:00

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I was dreaming that I was reading comments on this journal. One was a spam comment which surprised me because this journal never gets spam--it's sufficiently zero profile that search engines can't find it... how could a spam engine find it?
Another comment was from someone named "Shawna" who said we had met in some forest. It was possibly a hiking trip, and she mentioned that she was the Asian girl. She had commented and wondered why I didn't reply but she was commenting again. I was confused because I'd never received email notice of a comment to know to check... and because I had no idea what event she was referring to.
Currently I am experimenting with using Disqus for comments, however it is configured that you don't have to log in or tie it to an account. Simply check the "I'd rather post as a guest" button after clicking in the spot to type in a name.
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The accounts written here are as true as I can manage. While the words are my own, they are not independent creative works of fiction —in any intentional way. Thus I do not consider the material to be protected by anything, other than that you'd have to be crazy to want to try and use it for genuine purposes (much less disingenuous ones!) But who's to say?