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The Future of the New York Times

Date: 8-Jul-2017/9:56+3:00

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Characters: me, man

I was on the couch in what seemed like a conventional small apartment. There was a desk in the same room.
A man handed me a large sheet of thin electronic paper. It had a fold in it, like it was a newspaper--but had a plain white background.
It didn't have any normal ads on it, but seemed the page was entirely filled with the kinds of animations that websites have on them to "make you click". But in this case, all of them seemed to have something to do with aspects of my personal lore--things I invented, or was passionate about at one point in my life.
For instance, one of them was an animated ad asking you to click on whichever value you thought was the best for the circular constant: 3.14..., 6.28..., etc.
The relevance to my life is that the question of whether pi is chosen incorrectly is something that I went about informally campaigning for in college, suggesting it should be twice its current value. Though I came up with it independently while noticing how much the factor of 2 "contaminated" EE homework problems, I would call it fairly "obvious" that it is wrong.
Oddly enough, I wound up meeting and making friends with Michael Hartl, who became the major publicist for the movement to teach the circular constant value as twice of pi's current definition. He found out about the concept in a paper written by someone named Bob Palais (who I have now, also met--due to being at an event in L.A. for our shared interest in this idea).
Furthermore--in the "coincidence...or psychic phenomenon?" category: when I first met Michael we were talking about something unrelated about "what's wrong with the world". He said: "And do you know what else math got completely wrong?" I had been drinking a bunch of honey wine at an Ethiopian restaurant, and said "Pi should be twice the value it's defined to be." He was somewhat surprised--and must have thought I was stalking him or something--because he was working on promoting Tau Day as an event for awareness of the idea.
But nope, I knew nothing about it. So I guess we'll have to chalk it up to "psychic phenomenon", which as this journal suggests, 'yeah, that happens'. Though there must be a mechanism behind it...I don't believe in an intrinsic "Law of Attraction", I believe in the "Law of Mechanism" (which sometimes is applied to attraction, e.g. in online advertising).
There were other things regarding an economics book I wrote in High School, logos I had designed, etc. It was just a giant page full of these clickable puzzle games.
Trying to focus on the details of all the puzzles was tiring. So after folding and flipping the novel (to me) e-paper a little bit, I put it down.
me: "Okay, so...a bunch of spam puzzles about my life. What's the point? Testing to see who I am? Why did you give that to me?"
man: "No I'm not testing you, just thought you would find it interesting. I'd think that you--of all people--would know that's what the front page of the New York Times would look like one day."
He moved over to the computer desk and started to tap on it, leaving me on the couch. Not really knowing what to do I got up and tried to follow him, but I was unstable.
me: (frustrated) "Argh! I'm having a hard time moving around. You're showing me some kind of future spam stuff. Yes I've talked about that, but that doesn't answer who you are, or what my relationship is to you, or why I'm here."
I tried to think of something to ask, but couldn't come up with much more than the usual stuff.
me: "What is the deal? Who are you? What is your relationship to me? Are we friends and I'm in some kind of drug state on earth, am I like a younger version of you and you lived like me once, am I like a lower-form-of-life. How do you model me?"
man: "You want to know what I think? All right. I get you. So if it's my opinion you want--I think you're a genius. But the biggest thing that differentiates you from the others that I'd consider to be peers in your particular category of genius, it's that you are much, much weirder than they are."
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The accounts written here are as true as I can manage. While the words are my own, they are not independent creative works of fiction —in any intentional way. Thus I do not consider the material to be protected by anything, other than that you'd have to be crazy to want to try and use it for genuine purposes (much less disingenuous ones!) But who's to say?